I wish that I could do it all over again!

My stay in Pittsburgh and my experiences at the University of Pittsburgh have created life long experiences. It is now that I have returned home that I realize how much I will miss it.

I enjoyed studying at the College of Business Administration but it was the school spirit and all the new friends that made the semester such a great experience. The events arranged by the university and all the students clubs there is to choose from and join makes it easy to find friends and to feel at home.

Pittsburgh is a wonderful city to study in. It is an urban environment with all the possibilities that a larger city brings. There are a lot of great restaurants, museums, sports events and music events to discover and attend. I wish that I could do it all over again! And if I could redo my choice of place to do my exchange semester I would definitely choose Pitt all over again!

Hanna Jirskog

Business Administration
Fall 2016